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IPad sales fall 12 quarters in a row? Not quite

In the last few years the decline in sales of iPad has become the norm. Apple data shows that tablet sales are declining continuously for the last 12 quarters. But this is only part of the truth.

It’s not quite as it seems, says analyst Abav avalon, referring to the data of Fiksu. In fact, the diminishing sales of the iPad mini. Eliminate them, combine the data of 9.7 – and 12.9-inch iPad, and it turns out that sales remain constant and even slightly increasing.

“Over the last four years we’ve heard various theories explaining the drop in iPad sales. The big upgrade cycles, the increased iPhone, not enough good software, lack of professional applications and even boring presentation of Apple – all considered to be factors that reduce sales of the iPad. In fact, the problem lies in the iPad mini”.

Of course, even a decrease in demand for one model of iPad plays a significant role. With the increase of screen iPhone the need in a compact tablet has disappeared. Besides, now Apple has reduced the price of 9.7-inch iPad, so this model looks even more attractive than the iPad mini.

Of course, there are users who believe that the 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus too small and the 9.7-inch iPad is too big. Most likely, the iPad mini largely bought for children who are small form-factor simplifies the work. However, the era of the mini-version is gradually disappearing.

Analyst Neil Kybarth argues that the reason for the decline in demand for iPad mini is that Apple is trying to position the iPad as a laptop replacement, and results in three proof.

  • Tim cook called the iPad the most vivid expression of the vision of the future of personal computers.
  • The new advertising campaign of iPad Pro aims to prove that the iPad can replace the Mac.
  • Prices iPad highlight the desire by Apple to position the device as a mass, while Mac prices more in line with the niche products.
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Neil does not recognize comments of the top managers of Apple, stating that actions speak more than words. True, but Phil Schiller last year made it clear that the form factor of the laptop is “eternal”.

Mac will remain part of the product line Apple, even if iPad sales will continue to grow. And if you don’t consider the iPad mini, as it turns out, is what’s happening.

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