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iOS 8.4 with support for Apple’s Music will be released on Tuesday at 19.00 Moscow

Senior Vice President of Apple Music service aian Rogers announced the release of updated iOS 8.4. The release is scheduled for Tuesday, 8 AM Pacific time or 19.00 in the evening in Moscow. Launching online radio station Beats 1 will take place an hour later.

“On Tuesday morning we start a new Chapter. Please, update to iOS 8.4 8 AM PT on Tuesday, June 30 and listen to first gear Beats 1 in 9 PT. Here is an invitation to Facebook that will remind you and your friends to upgrade to the new version,” wrote a top Manager on Twitter.

Update iOS 8.4 is tested since April of this year. The main change is a new music app with a new design and new features, many of which are borrowed from the desktop version of iTunes. Among the features of the program: view the recently added tracks and playlists, search music online, a new mini-player, improved interface of the playback window, “Next”, the global search. The icon of the application itself has not changed.

The app includes the Apple Music service. A new music streaming service based on Beats Music, will present users free usage period, then the cost of listening to the songs will be $ 169 per month.

Apple Music will be available in more than 100 countries, the first 3 months use of the service will be “for nothing”. He will be cross-platform – will be available to owners of iOS, Android, OS X and Windows. Tuesday will release a new version of iTunes with the option of streaming music.

Read also:   The head of Apple Music plans to leave Apple

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