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iOS 11: 40 functions that we expect in the new operating system

In iOS 10 there are many things that annoy users and that Apple should change in iOS 11. The company will introduce a new operating system next summer. Many expect the annual event a revolution in the eleventh edition of the mobile platform.

Now we cannot say for sure what changes await us in the iOS 11, MacDigger made a list of features that we would like to see in the new OS. Some of them are really useful, others are designed to correct the shortcomings of previous versions of the operating system.

1. Redesign

Many would agree that the home screen iOS is quite outdated. We are looking at the same icons, the same style for many years, so Apple is quite worthwhile to refresh the interface of its mobile OS.

2. Animated icons

Interesting innovation would be “live” app icons. For example, why not make the icon for the weather app displays the current weather, and maps – current location? Icon Messages can show who last sent you a message.

3. The ability to change the font

If not a redesign, at least you can add the ability to change the default font of the operating system. Anyway, it will refresh the appearance of iOS.

4. Black theme

The most desired and expected innovation – the dark theme. In September Apple released the black iPhone 7, which would be perfect dark interface. At the moment, in most corporate applications, the background is white, but what prevents to make it black in the App Store, Apple Music or the Message?

5. The volume indicator in the top line

With the first versions of iOS when changing the sound in the middle of the screen indicator of volume, which covers all content. It would look much neater and it would not hurt when playing or watching video in the status bar. YouTube, Snapchat and other apps display a volume slider at the top of the screen to not close what is happening on the screen.

6. Two-window mode on the iPhone

Any Android smartphone 7.0 Nougat supports split screen, while Apple made the unique Split Screen feature for the iPad. The iPhone has enough RAM, a powerful processor, large screen, so absolutely nothing hinders to implement multi-window mode on smartphones.

7. Picture-in-picture for YouTube

Continuing the theme I would like to note that the function of “picture in Picture” still cannot be used with YouTube, but mostly videos are viewed in this video. The ability to view videos on YouTube and search apps in the App Store, for example, would be a very useful new feature in iOS 11.

8. Lock access to specific applications

For some strange reason a user still can’t restrict access on the iPhone to certain applications. Many smartphone owners iOS please add the ability to block specific program to for it was accessible only after entering a password or placing a finger over the Touch ID.

9. New control mode with one hand

The sizes of smartphones are growing, and the control modes with one hand, still leave much to be desired. In the case of the iPhone upper part of the display just slides down, but to type a message, for example, is also difficult. But to realize the mode of use with one hand which really can be used, it is possible. For example, in a simple movement you can move all the picture on the screen in the corner and used in this way.

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10. New functions for the control

Owners of iPhone and iPad actively use control iOS 9. Using transparent panels, you can quickly enable or disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, adjust screen brightness and sound volume. A significant improvement would be to add an icon of power saving mode and disable mobile data in the control room.

11. Flexible configuration control

Unfortunately, to customize the settings control is not possible. In iOS 11 should receive the tools with which the lower cover can be made more personalized: add new switches, switch buttons, remove unnecessary ones.

12. One page in the control

In iOS 10 Apple divided the control into three pages. The first is the basic controls, the second fully moved in to manage music on third – managing “smart” house. However, when you try to change the brightness slider all the time accidentally do a swipe and inadvertently fall to the second page. It would be nice to return to a single tab. In addition, the mode Night Shift did not need such a huge button, it can be made much more compact and add to panel something.

13. More functionality for 3D Touch

In iOS 10 Apple seriously improved the 3D Touch, but its functionality all also not enough. For example, it would be a useful use of the strong pressing on the icon Wi-Fi is available in the control for switching between available networks. It is also worth adding the option to go to settings by long pressing on the icon.

14. Rename Bluetooth devices

In iOS there is still no ability to rename connected with Bluetooth device, although you can change the name of those speakers would be a useful “trick”.

15. The digital number on the keyboard

A number of figures in the upper part of the keyboard, as implemented on many Android smartphones, also will appeal to many, especially it saves when you enter a password.

16. The choice of the default application

Apple should add in iOS 11 the ability to change the default application. It would be much more convenient if a smartphone were asked which browser to open the link and allow you to assign a default browser.

17. Clearing the cache

Over time, even small apps accumulate cache data, which is problematic to remove without a complete reinstall. How life would be easier if Apple added item “Clear cache” in the popup menu when you long press on the icon.

18. New Wallpaper

With each new version of the company adds new Wallpapers, but they are often a little, especially if we are talking about the “live” images.

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19. Live Wallpaper on the home screen

In iOS 7 for the first time OS was added animated Wallpaper. A new type of background images appeared in the standard section “Brightness and Wallpaper” as a separate menu item “Dynamic”. However, the joy of users were short-lived. It turned out that the number of available images is very limited, and to add new ones is not possible. Apple should definitely expand your collection of backgrounds and to allow an animated image on the home screen.

20. Button “Close all” in the multitasking drawer

Apple has stated that closing apps in the multitasking menu does not solve anything, but many people like it when there’s either no, or a minimal amount, which you have to swipe each individual app. A small button “Delete all” would have completely solved this problem.

21. GIF support in Photo

iPhone supports GIF images in the Messages app, but for some reason you can’t see in the standard Photos app — opens a static image. The company would be worth to think about it.

22. The settings in the Camera interface

One of the most annoying problems for many iPhone users – the inability to change camera settings directly from the app. How it would be easier to change the resolution right in the camera, not going to do this in the system settings.

23. Slide to Unlock

The unlock swipe was present in iOS since the first versions, but in iOS 10 Apple-style unlocking, and now you have to press the Home button to get to desktop. Perhaps pressing “Home” much more intuitive, but many still like the old style unlock.

24. To speed up the animation

A common complaint of iPhone owners – the slow animation. It is unclear why the company can’t speed up the boot process, or exit the program, although it would be very helpful.

25. Siri without connecting to the Internet

The obvious improvement in iOS 11 will be the further development of Siri. For example, the opportunity to work with an assistant without an Internet connection.

26. To set the limit on downloading apps over LTE

At the moment iOS has a limitation of 100 MB when downloading programs and games from the App Store via mobile network. For people with a small amount of traffic that’s useful, but what about those who have unlimited Internet access? Why not to increase this limit or remove all by yourself?

27. Improved notifications

Surely Apple need to work on notifications both by the design and functionality. A good feature would be sorting by applications, not at the time of receipt. Could also add the function of displaying information in the notification.

28. Pinning icons anywhere on the screen

As on Android, I would like to place app icons where you want, and not one behind the other in rows.

29. Sort apps by the amount of data used

If you want to look in the settings, which application consumes the greatest number of megabytes, you will have to scroll the whole list to memorize the values as they are sorted alphabetically, and not according to the amount of consumed data, which is somewhat strange. Much more logical would be first in the list the application that consumes the most traffic.

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30. The limit on mobile data usage

People with a small amount of mobile Internet will be a very useful feature limit. Instead of just watching what the app needs much traffic, it would be nice to limit the amount of data or to automatically turn off mobile Internet when reaching a certain threshold.

31. The clipboard

On Android devices there is a clipboard for everything where you stored the copied data. In iOS something similar would be useful.

32. A more convenient button to go to step back

Many owners of models Plus complain that when using one hand it is impossible to reach the back button which is usually located at the top left of the app, so it must be a little lower down. You can, of course, use swipe, but it does not always work.

33. Group calls to FaceTime

Many third-party programs allow you to arrange a video conference, but branded FaceTime somehow still does not support group video calling.

34. Support RAW standard camera

If Apple is really serious about the camera in the iPhone, it is necessary to add in a standard application format support RAW. Moreover, the internal memory in smartphones has increased and the problems with lack of space should not be.

35. New features Apple Music

Interesting and useful function will play songs in Apple Music from the same place where you left off on iPhone, Apple TV or on the computer.

36. Applications menu

Every day users download more and more applications, many of which are not used often and simply clog up the main screen. A good idea the apps menu, which will house all icons, but on the home screen the user will place only the most frequently used.

37. File transfer via Bluetooth

Full support for Bluetooth on iOS will not be superfluous. The ability to transfer files not just between iOS and Mac devices, but also on other computers and smartphones are very useful if, for example, there is no Internet access.

38. NFC for third-party developers

It would be convenient to use a smartphone instead of a ton of NFC cards, but Apple needs to open API interface for third-party developers.

39. Recording screencasts

For some strange reason Apple does not allow to record screen on iOS and instantly removes from App Store all iOS apps with similar functionality. Some owners of Apple gadgets this function might be useful.

40. The new operating system for iPad

Obviously the iPad needs a separate operating system, not the “enhanced” version of iOS which does not allow the full potential of the big screen. Because of the current limitations of the OS iPad still can’t replace the computer, so what Apple wants. In addition, on the iPad there is still no application “Calculator” and “Weather”.

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