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India vs Apple: the fight for app

Apple has faced major challenges in India due to anti-spam iOS application that created the government. It is reported Bloomberg.

It all comes down to the fact that the program “do Not disturb” do not allow in the App Store. It allows you to report spam calls and spam SMS to a special institution in India. The company refused to publish it because the app needs access to call history.

“Nobody’s asking Apple to violate this privacy policy,” — says Sewak RAM Sharma, Chairman of the authority of telecommunications in Delhi.

This clash of countries and companies may lead to new laws about user data. These laws will have a negative impact on tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Apple, who process personal and personal data to users.

The importance of India for Apple

The question of the passage of the application seems insignificant, but in fact it is very important to the company. It is projected that by 2020 India will have sold 1.5 billion smartphones, and if the tech giant will spoil relations with this country — so the figure is not to be. In addition, Apple is going to release the second generation of iPhone SE which suited the taste of the Indians.

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