The layout of elements iPad 2018 is almost the same as the previous generation, but the repair is still a matter of difficulty because of the large amount of glue, said iFixit staff.
In iFixit unhappy due to the fact that Apple uses a lot of glue to hold the innards. When disassembling the tablet had to use anti-adhesive liquid, which softens the glue.
IPad inside 2018, a new processor A10 and two Broadcom chips Apple Pencil. While the tablet still uses the battery of the iPad Air 2. To replace the most difficult because of the large amount of glue.
In contrast to the Pro-versions, in regular iPad glass and display two different elements. Employees iFixit noted that for the buyer it is a good thing because the repair of a broken screen is cheaper than a full display replacement. But for employees of service centers is a minus, because in addition to glue, display and glass are connected by sticky tape, which increases the risk of damage during disassembly.
In the end, the experts iFixit appreciated maintainability 2018 iPad two points out of ten. Last year’s iPad and iPad Pro 10,5 received the same rating.
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