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How to save iOS 10.2

The main drawback of jailbreaking iOS devices is that when you upgrade the operating system, the process of “hacking” and install Cydia must be repeated. In most cases, the expectation of appropriate tools for the updated iPhone and iPad has been delayed for a long time. There are several ways to use jailbreak unlimited time.

This week came the decision to jailbreak iOS 10.2 called Yalu102. Although it is not the newest version of the operating system, right now everyone has the opportunity to return to her, or to upgrade from earlier: Apple gives iTunes digital certificates. If you have installed iOS 10.2 and performed the jailbreak with the help of Yalu102, the following tips will allow you to use a jailbroken gadget without time limits, regardless of the release updates.

Lock the iOS update

When connecting the mobile device to the Network, updates to iOS are automatically suggested to download and disable it by standard means impossible. In the case of a hacked device is in danger of losing the jailbreak.

Download the cumulative updates for iOS occurs over a wireless network – the upgrade process itself runs on the mobile device without connecting to the computer. It’s definitely a big step forward, but however, users of jailbroken devices have acquired a headache, because the installation of updates has meant the loss of jailbreak and even the risk of getting outside the device.

In order to prevent the download of blocks the jailbreak update, you need to install on your iPhone and iPad a special certificate. More about this can be found in the article:

  • How to disable OTA update iOS on iPhone and iPad without jailbreak
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Save SHSH2 Blobs

If you have done or plan to jailbreak iOS 10.2, you need to save digital certificates SHSH2 blobs. In that case, if you accidentally update your iPhone or iPad, you will have the opportunity to return to this version of the OS. You need to extract blobs before Apple stops signing the OS version.

At the moment Yalu102 supports several device models, but Todesco working on expanding the list of compatible gadgets. In order to be able at any time to perform the jailbreak procedure, you must save the SHSH blobs.

To obtain digital certificates for their gadgets, there is very little time: Apple may close the hand at any time. Keep SHSH2 blobs for iOS 10.2 is possible according to the instructions on this page, or by using a free web service TSS Saver.

Read more about how to work with TSS Saver and check the health certificate you can find at this link.

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