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How to roll back iOS on iOS 9.3.3 9.3.4 on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Owners of iPhone and iPad who have installed iOS 9.3.4, can still do a rollback to the previous version of the operating system. With what purpose? First of all, this is true for those who expect to use the jailbreak authored by developers of Pangu.

iOS 9.3.4, according to Apple, has brought improvement, “significantly increases the security of the iPhone and iPad. In fact, the company closed the vulnerability that was used to create the jailbreak Pangu and install on smartphones and tablets Cydia store.

In iOS 9.3.4 Apple developers completely shut down the possibility of hacking. In update, which debuted August 4, the company has eliminated the gap in IOMobileFrameBuffer. On the page describing the vulnerability, the company said that “third-party applications through a special mechanism of working memory can elevate privileges and execute unsigned code on the device.

After the release of updates from the owners of iOS devices remains short, the ability to revert to previous versions. A day after the debut of iOS 9.3.4, users can still go back to iOS 9.3.3, which issued the digital signature.

Below on how you can perform the downgrade from iOS to iOS 9.3.4 9.3.3.


  • iPhone or iPad running iOS 9.3.4.
  • IPSW-file iOS 9.3.3.
  • The latest version of iTunes for Mac or Windows.

How to roll back iOS on iOS 9.3.3 9.3.4:

Step 1: Download the firmware file in IPSW format iOS 9.3.3, click on this link.

Step 2: make Sure you have the latest version of iTunes. Download the latest version of media player here.

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Step 3: Make a backup of all information on the device. Standard procedure: go to settings iCloud –> Backup –> Create backup, or connect the device to the computer and save a copy via iTunes.

Step 4: Disable password protection in the main section of the iOS settings.

Step 5: Now navigate to Settings –> iCloud –> Find my iPhone.

Step 6: connect the gadget with iOS operating system 9.3.4 to PC, open iTunes and select the icon of your device on the top panel.

Step 7: Hold the keyboard Shift (or Alt on OS X), click the button “Restore”.

Step 8: a window will Open where you should select the IPSW file iOS 9.3.3 that you downloaded in the first step.

Step 9: will wait until iTunes will install the operating system.

Step 10: you can Now use your iPhone or iPad with iOS 9.3.3. You can at any time to perform the jailbreak Pangu on Windows or Mac according to this instruction. Read more about the procedure we wrote here.

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