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How to persuade friends to switch from Skype to WhatsApp and Viber: seven good reasons

Skype is good, no doubt. But WhatsApp and Viber even better! Not “generally” better, “something”. And this “thing” so much that these messengers coexist with each other. If you have already discovered for yourself Viber or WhatsApp, but I can’t convert it to all your friends and acquaintances, who stubbornly use the old man with the letter “S”, the material from Delfi will help.

Below are seven reasons that should help convince Skype users to switch to WhatsApp. Or on Viber, Facebook Messenger or Telegram because WhatsApp have a lot in common with them.

1. “No longer will communicate with you!”

This is the most powerful argument and the main reason why in Russia, Telegram or ICQ is less popular than Skype and WhatsApp. If a lot of people use WhatsApp, users of instant messenger is becoming more practically automatically — lifting him to his “inner circle”, each individual user contributes to the promotion of specific “govorilki”.

So if you have a couple of friends who did not manage to transplant on WhatsApp, simply state to them that from now on, never communicate. Or arrange for a quiet, tamper — check in the Skype message late reply rarely and generally tell me that they had demolished it from the phone. Moreover, according to the feedback of its users — gadget discharges it without a twinge of conscience.

2. WhatsApp and Viber is much easier

If someone has mastered a monster called Skype, it will acquire WhatsApp, is beyond doubt. This messenger used both children and the elderly, and convinced Housewives, and burdened by two higher musical formations bachelors-botany. Easier than WhatsApp, not invented anything. Well, except that FB Messenger.

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3. WhatsApp free and no ads

Yes, once there was a conditional fee at $ 1 per year. But no more! And no advertising! Take it — and enjoy it.

4. Viber and WhatsApp all encrypt

If you want to use messenger, conversations which will not be able to intercept the evil hackers or intelligence agencies, it is necessary to look not on Skype. Encryption, however, is realized not only in WhatsApp but also in Viber and Telegram.

5. WhatsApp and Viber mobile initially

Skype on my mobile device? Hell and nightmare. I do not agree with this statement either a Windows Phone user or one who never had to try to communicate through Skype in areas with poor mobile Internet. Mobile instant messaging — virtually any — by definition better than Skype on mobile devices. Sorry, but this is not discussed is the fact that cost would be paid in BES or at least in Wikipedia.

6. WhatsApp and Viber use the phone book

This argument to some it may seem controversial advantage, but the fact remains — most of the mobile messenger “is tied” to the phone number of the user. This allows you simply by installing the program, immediately see all your contacts from your address book and instantly start to communicate with them. No more find me in Skype, my nickname is simple: tru3v1l666_girl”). Of course, all that’s in your notebook and at the same time, WhatsApp will also see you — it’s worth keeping in mind. But you have confidence that you are communicating with real people. Therefore, spam in mobile messengers less.

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7. “Second bottom” of the functions

No one will ever write the article about hidden Skype features, because they are almost there. But in WhatsApp there is the proof: “10 useful functions for each WhatsApp user messenger” and “20 useful tips for each user of WhatsApp”. But the main advantage of the messenger is that they can be great to use without the knowledge of all this.

P. S. to some it may seem that this ad WhatsApp and Viber, but it’s not. In fact it is advertising of all mobile messenger. Messengers that develop and have almost got all the features of Skype, including full desktop clients), while Microsoft owned the mastodon sleeping and dreaming. And even until recently, remained unconquered peak, justifying the existence of the Skype video calls — too slowly penetrates to the mobile messengers. Not yet on WhatsApp (as if these hackers are not to convince you), but they already have Viber.

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