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How to launch Yandex.Navigator, Google Maps and any other app on the Apple CarPlay

List of apps available to users through the car interface CarPlay, a small. Phone, Apple Maps, Messages, Podcasts, Audiobooks, and others. The same map Google Map on CarPlay is not available. As Yandex.Navigator, Waze and many others.

Apple CarPlay only supports Apple allowed the app, which is a serious limitation for a vehicle interface. Many iPhone owners won’t refuse the opportunity to make CarPlay more functional.

In April, the developer Leftyfl1p released a video showing Google Maps on the multimedia system with Apple CarPlay. In the video you can see iPhone connected to the car system via the Lightning cable, and provides access to applications, including the map service Google directly from the screen side of the system.

And now in Cydia released a tweak that allows you to run Google Maps and any other apps in the environment CarPlay. The app is called NGXPlay and is available on all jailbroken devices, and it is absolutely free.

In order to configure NGXPlay, it is enough to install the software on your iPhone, go to Application and choose the app you want to move to the screen of the onboard system of the vehicle. Then clicking Configure & Respring the icons of the selected applications is displayed on the multimedia system.

The advantage of the approach lies in the fact that you don’t need to use the HDMI connection to broadcast the screen of the iPhone, because the interface is built into CarPlay.

In Addition To Google Maps, Yandex.Navigator, Waze in the car interface Apple can work any other unofficial applications, including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and others.

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NGXPlay can be downloaded for free from the BigBoss repo in Cydia.

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