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How to install two same apps on iOS without jailbreak 10

There are situations when you need to install on your iPhone or iPad, two copies of the same application. For example, a game on the tablet using multiple user account you can create only one. Or you have to use two accounts in “Vkontakte”. Download on your iPhone or iPad a second copy of the application is the ideal way out of the situation.

If you are tired of continually switch between their accounts in social networks, is the solution. MacDigger below will describe the way to install two same application on a single iPhone or iPad. So, let’s begin!

You will need a Mac with installed Xcode (from the Mac App Store), iTunes and Cydia Impactor ( If everything is in stock, you can proceed.

Step 1: Find a cracked IPA file of your application. You can find it in the Network from different sources.

Step 2: Copy the application that you want to duplicate on the computer desktop and change the file extension from .ipa .zip.

Step 3: double click on the new ZIP file and extract the folder.

Step 4: Inside the folder you will find a folder Payload. Drag it to your desktop.

Step 5: Open the Payload folder, locate the application file and make it right click. Next, use the option “Show package contents”.

Step 6: In the list of files and folders, locate the file info.plist and open it in Xcode.

Step 7: Find the line and change the Bundle Identifier value to something else, such as

Step 8: Staying in Xcode, click File, then click Save to apply the changes.

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Step 9: Quit Xcode, right click on the folder Payload, then Compress. Will be a new ZIP file.

Step 10: Change the extension from zip to ipa. The file name can be any.

Step 11: connect your iPhone to the computer and run Cydia Impactor. A standard way to transfer the newly created. IPA file on your smartphone.

Step 12: to run the copy of your application on the device go to Settings –> General –> Profile or Main –> Manage device. Here you need to add the certificate in trusted.

That’s all! You can now use two copies of the same application on your device.

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