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How to enable hidden keyboard Japanese emoticons on your iPhone and iPad

Not many know, but smartphones and tablets Apple has kaomoji – keyboard set Japanese emoticons to Express emotions when communicating in cyberspace. The style image these emojis built on the basis of punctuation marks, ideograms and other symbols.

Japanese are very emotional and creative nation. Therefore, in the Country of the rising sun emoticons are popular as anywhere in the world. In their pictograms, depicting the joy (laughter, smile, pleasure, delight), the eyes typically are high. While most often used symbols ^, , and `. The mouth also plays an important role. For instance, young Japanese women often use the symbol ω as the mouth of its Japanese emoticons, thinking that such kaomoji are the cutest (kawaii). You can also use ∀, ▽ and other characters resembling a smile. And Japanese also like to add kaomoji various special effects (stars, tears of joy, etc.) for greater expressiveness.

At the dawn of the Internet and instant messaging-lack of face-to-face led to various misunderstandings. Kaomoji this was a creative attempt by fans of manga and anime to rectify the situation.

How to enable hidden keyboard with Japanese Emoji on your iPhone or iPad:

Step 1: Open the settings app.

Step 2: Navigate to General –> Keyboard.

Step 3: Go to the Keyboard menu, and then click add New keyboard…

Step 4: Scroll to the end of the list of languages and select Japanese.

Step 5: Go to settings Japanese keyboard. Here you will see the keyboard style – Kana and Romaji. Select the second and click finish.

Step 6: Open any text editor and call the Japanese keyboard by pressing the button with picture of globe.

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Step 7: Click “123” and then press “^_^”.

Step 8: Tap the up arrow next to the line of emoticons.

Step 9: Open the panel with Emoji character on the screen. Kaomoji can be inserted in any chat or message. To add new after entering smiley icons, you need to repeat the process from step 7.

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