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How Apple is profiting on accessories for Mac and iPhone

There is a perception that device manufacturers make money on accessories more than the products themselves. The same is said about Apple, which sells the adapters, adapters, cables, cases, protectors and other add-ons to their devices. Supporters of the conspiracy theory believe that the company decided to remove all the connectors from the new MacBook Pro is to earn extra adapters and cables for laptops. Resource led simple calculations that show the absurdity of such reasoning.

“Let’s say we have 5 million sold in the quarter Macs that are suppose to simplify, bought a 5 million individual consumers. Even if we assume that each of them bought not one but two any adapter or cable with an average price of $ 30, we get $ 300 million. By itself, the amount is impressive (I wouldn’t sell something at $ 300 million. in the quarter, but for a company with quarterly revenue of 42 billion dollars. (not the largest district) is not that substantial amount of money for which it is necessary to strategically plan “how we adapters recapture the decline in sales of iPhone). In reality, as you most likely understand, the number of people who buy adapters and cables, much lower, so revenue from fewer cables, most likely at times that it makes this amount is generally unobtrusive in the General reporting of the company.”

Perhaps Apple made a fortune in the Lightning-accessories, when a few years ago released the iPhone with the new connector? This is the program MFi, which includes not only the certification of cables and third-party devices to work with iPhone, iPad, iPod, but also royalties.

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“It is believed that for each device (including cable, adapter, etc. – devices running Bluetooth are not considered) from the licensees Apple gets a fixed amount of $ 4. In principle, it is possible to apply the same conditional deduction and assume that 45 million people bought the iPhone in the 4th quarter of 2016, decided to buy another cable (to replace broken native Lightning cable) or any device. Even if those people do not buy a cheap Chinese cable for a penny, which may not work right out of the box, official licensed cable for 7-10 dollars. (who in his right mind would go to buy native Apple cables at $ 20.?), the license fees for these 45 million cables-devices get $ 180 million”.

Finally, to dispel all doubts about Apple’s greedy, preying on accessories, allow the following calculations:

“Sales of Apple accessories are included in the category of Others in the company’s financial statements. In this category, Others included sales from such products companies like Apple Watch, Apple TV, iPods, wireless routers, Airport Express, Airport Extreme, and Time Capsule. So, in the last quarter for which available reports of the company, revenue by category Others amounted to 2,373 billion. (a year ago in the same quarter was 3,048 billion dollars). Obviously, the above foods in this group take the lion’s share of revenue. So what cables and adapters remains on the little things here and there for a couple of hundred million dollars maximum”.

“It doesn’t change the fact that Apple’s cables and accessories, earns some money, it’s just not happening in significant enough amounts to trying to build conspiracy theories”.

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