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Hidden improving iOS 10.3 will speed up the performance of your iPhone

After a lot of preliminary test builds, Apple finally unveiled the final version of iOS 10.3. Many users of iPhone, iPad and iPod have already tested this update. 10.3 met iOS device owners a new file system for APFS, Find my AirPods, updated Maps and other useful functions. Among other things, the update contains one important innovation, which does not know the majority of users.

When Apple releases any new version of iOS, the real fans of the company immediately put the update, regardless of functions. This is good for several reasons, including the fact that the updates include security fixes. iOS 10.3 is no exception – the pack contains many improvements concerning the security of the software platform.

Of course, the most interesting for users are the new features of the iOS 10.3 has some nice features. One of them, many owners of Apple devices won’t even notice.

The Apple engineer Renaud linhard wrote in his Twitter account that “iOS 10.3 feels faster, because many animations have been updated and shortened”.

Apple made a few changes in the animation transitions between apps, opening and closing applications. Something like the company did in 2014, with iOS 7.1. Then the difference in speed was much more noticeable, but also iOS 10.3 good visually accelerates.

If you are a user of iPhone or iPad and want to get a faster device, you should download the update. iOS 10.3 can be installed automatically from the updates or manually via iTunes.

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