The Google researchers, together with scientists at mit have developed an algorithm that allows the mobile device’s camera to see through reflection and small obstacles. The technology will be to elaborate on the SIGGRAPH 2015.
As you know, when taking a photo through glass, for example, a street of homes, land the plane or behind the showcase of objects, the images remain spurious artifacts in the form of reflections, some inscriptions, traces of rain. According to the researchers, the new development will allow you to take photos through glass with glare or drops of water, a fence of wire netting, fence, etc. in order to make a clean shot, you will need to drive the camera in front of the object so that it “examined” the landscape from different angles.
The program determines what is necessary and what is the obstacle and gets rid of the last. It is unknown when the program will be available for download, however, scientists claim that the unique algorithm will work on all mobile platforms, including iOS.