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Google Play Music will become cheaper Apple Music in Russia: what to choose?

Google began sending notification to subscribers of Google Play Music that from 8 December 2015, the subscription price will be reduced from 189 to 159 rubles a month. Thus, a subscription to this music service in Russia will be more affordable than Apple Music.

Google launched its online music service in the fall of 2013. Then it was called Google Play Music All Access. Subscribers receive access to a catalog of more than 35 million tracks available for purchase or online listening with mobile devices on iOS and Android, also available a web version. The user can upload up to 50,000 tracks to listen to them without connecting to the network.

Earlier Apple has released an application of its streaming Music service Apple in the app store Google. The cost of a monthly subscription on Apple Music is 169 rubles. Thus, the music service Google will cost the Russians on 10 roubles is cheaper, than Apple Music. In the US subscribe to both services cost the same — us $9.99 (655 rubles at the current exchange rate).

Dry figures say that both services are about the same. And Apple Music, Play Music and offer a library of over 30 million recordings. But in Mac there are some albums that aren’t in Google Play Music. The quality of play is slightly different: Google offers a standard MP3 format with a sampling rate of 320 kbps, Apple AAC 256. However, to understand the difference untrained ear is quite difficult, especially when listening in the usual “gags”.

For new users who are unfamiliar with such services, it makes sense to try a solution from Apple since the first three months absolutely free, Google Play Music, this period is just one month. In addition, the “family” subscription Apple Music will be beneficial if you and five friends want to get access to a huge library just 45 rubles a month.

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Those who has long enjoyed the service from Google, there is no reason to run on Apple Music as radically new features it offers, and move your entire music library from one application to another will be very hard. Although it’s worth a try.

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