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First beloved Steve jobs demanded his $25 million, threatening to publish a book of memoirs

Christine Ann Brennan, with whom Steve jobs met while studying in College, blackmailed founder of Apple. She threatened to publish written her a book of memories, if the jobs don’t help her with money.

Brennan and jobs met in 1972 while studying in College. Six years later, Christine Ann Brennan gave birth to a daughter jobs named Lisa. And in the same year was born the Lisa computer. Within two years, the Creator of Apple was trying to prove that nothing to do with pregnancy Christine-Ann has not, however, genetic tests proved his paternity.

Being a successful entrepreneur Steve jobs refused to help her daughter and her mother financially. The former painter and daughter of a billionaire had to survive on unemployment benefits. And then she decided to go to the blackmail. She demanded jobs $ 25 million, otherwise threatening to publish written her memoirs “bitten off Apple: memories of my life with Steve jobs”.

According to Fortube, the story has dragged on since 2005. Gradually the demands of the former girlfriend of the head of Apple became more and more rigid. In 2009, she delivered an ultimatum.

“I have no choice… no one would be happy if the book will be published, especially Lisa, who didn’t deserve this. The choice is yours… I need money for life – either from you or from the sale of books,” she wrote.

Steve jobs who have not responded to sent four years earlier letter, he answered shortly:

“I am very bad attitude to the blackmail,” wrote jobs, putting in a copy of Lisa. – I will not participate in this.”

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Two years after the death of Steve jobs book was published. In his memoirs, Brennan described the years, “filled with disappointment and wild passion”, naming the inventor of the iPhone “maniac” and “demon”.

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