Payment system Pay Apple is too early to call popular in Russia, because before it a considerable number of obstacles, including a limited number of smartphones with contactless payment technology, partners and terminals. However, “Apple” service is very promising: over time, more users will appreciate the convenience of paying for goods “one-click”. However, the most important question — how safe are the Russian users if you use Apple Pay from Western sanctions affecting including in the financial sector of the Russian economy? This question is the browser Newvz.
The Russians remember what happened to the introduction of United States sanctions policy for cardholders American payment systems Visa and MasterCard in the early days of the launch of the anti-Russian sanctions package is to use the card to pay for goods, the owners of “plastic” could not for several days. Particularly hard hit by the shutdown of Russia from the payment systems affected were at the time of the imposition of sanctions for foreign citizens who find themselves in a completely isolated state without the means of subsistence — or to withdraw cash or pay for food or tickets home tourists for a long time could not. To avoid a repetition of such a situation in Russia developed a national system of payment cards (nvqs), designed to replace the country’s foreign Visa and MasterCard systems in the upcoming years.
In the case of Apple Pay, which is served by the same American company at the expense of compatibility reader, Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass with supercinski service, the prospect of pressing the “red button” Americans, with the consequent disabling of the possibility to use financial services and plastic cards mentioned above remains relevant. In simple words, if necessary, Washington has the right to limit the financial capabilities of the Russian consumers through the largest lock on the SS, but to extract transaction data from user devices – smart phones or smart watches, the American government will not succeed. Apple prudently eliminated the threat of external intervention in the internal processes of the service Apple Pay, built-in microchips isolated from the rest of the “infrastructure” devices — stored data remain intact and will not be transferred.
To trust the integrity of the iPhone maker allow the results of the past in this year of litigation between Apple and the U.S. Department of Justice, need to provide unhindered access to the internal contents of mobile devices by creating a “master key” access to password protected data. The defendant refused to provide the employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement missions of the American system of unlimited access to information stored in memory of the smartphone, which forced the FBI to seek help in hacking the hackers. After published on the website of the office of public trading who wished to remain anonymous specialist help to hack the smartphone of the terrorists, killing dozens of people in San Bernardino, however militiamen have not abandoned the idea to force the company from California to meet the requirements of the Ministry of justice. To date, new claims from the US government in the address of the manufacturer of the world’s most popular devices — phones, tablets and wearable accessories that are not yet registered.
For the Russians the prospect of a cessation of work Apple Pay in stores is threatened with unpleasant consequences only in the absence of the “original” Bank card details used in the payment service created as a countermeasure to Western sanctions, the NPCs will allow to pay for goods and services in Russia even after the complete isolation of the country created in the West systems. The only disadvantage will be the inability to make purchases by a contactless method, even when a forgotten wallet with plastic cards it will not hurt to pay the seller for the purchased products. To forget when leaving the apartment a wallet today can be quite “painless”, but to stay on all day without the main means of communication — smartphones, may not afford any modern consumer.