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Every day, YouTube users watch videos with a total duration of more than a billion hours

View duration videos on YouTube reached one billion hours per day. About it told the Vice-President of technology Christos Goodrow in the company’s official blog.

Each video on YouTube counts views that allows you to appreciate its popularity. However, to calculate the total duration of the records viewed, say, in the day, only actual service. What he has done. Allegedly, every day users are viewing YouTube videos with a total length of more than a billion hours.

“Last year we reached a significant milestone: people around the world now watch a billion hours of incredible content on YouTube every day!” — posted by Goodrow.

YouTube said that more than half of all pageviews are from mobile devices.

“To see billion hours of video on YouTube, you’ll need more than 100 000 years. 100,000 years ago our ancestors were making stone tools, and migrated from Africa, while the Land roamed by mammoths and mastodons. Spending 100,000 years to travel at the speed of light, can cross the milky Way from one end to the other,” said Vice President of YouTube.

YouTube was launched in February 2005, 1.5 years later, it was acquired by Google. In December 2016, according to Alexa Internet, specializing in the analysis of web traffic, YouTube was the second most popular website in the world.

The popularity of video-sharing is understandable, given that the collection is updated by the user and includes a huge number of videos for every taste — from the anecdotes and videos to classic movies and music concerts.

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