Eco T-shirt made of tomato peel can charge your smartphone

Remember, in the summer we talked about a Sony T-shirt with a pocket for a small air conditioner? The necessary amount to start production was collected, and in March 2020, buyers will begin to receive their kits. But what if the air conditioner is exhausted and there is no outlet anywhere?


Sony raises money for pocket air conditioning

Eco T-shirt made of tomato peel can charge your smartphone

Kostya Baranov

July 29, 2019

Wait for another T-shirt to release a charge from the human body! The tissue prototype was created by scientists from the University of Malaga and the Italian Institute of Technology.

How it works?

Thermoelectric tissue generates a charge from the difference between the temperature of the human body and the environment. Most of the charge is generated during physical exertion (running, strength training, and others).

The basis of the fabric is ordinary cotton, on which liquid glue is sprayed from tomato peel and carbon nanoparticles. Scientists emphasize that everything is environmentally friendly and production does no harm to the environment.

Really charge the phone?

In the long term, yes – work on this is already underway. While the charge persists for a short time, and it is enough to power the LED lamp, but plans to bring the technology to such a level that you can charge your smartphone in extreme conditions. That's just there are no deadlines and working prototypes.

I believe that the "clothes of the future" will be like this: put a smartphone in his pocket, and he charges on the way to work; do sports – built-in LEDs designate you for electric vehicles with autopilot. What do you think?

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Chief editor of the blogErika J. Wells .

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