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Cydia’s Creator Jay Freeman: “the Jailbreak is dead”

Since the release of the latest jailbreak for iOS the past almost 12 months. One of the first hackers of the iPhone and the Creator of informal applications store Cydia Jay Freeman said that Apple is “dead”.

In March this year following the release of security updates to the iOS famous hacker 10.3 Luca Todesco, specializing in iOS and repeatedly among the first which found security flaws, announced the termination of activities related to the development of the jailbreak.

In his Twitter account Todesco called iOS 10.3 “damn good security update”. According to the Creator of Cydia, this is one of the main reasons why the iPhone and iPad is currently not available tools to jailbreak the latest iOS versions.

Apple decided to lock jailbreak last year. In early 2016, the company hired a team of security experts known jailbreak developer P0sixninja and Chronic. Will Strapac, known under the name of Chronic and Joshua hill, P0sixninja, who’s working to protect iPhone and iPad. Two leading hacker with a group of other jailbreak developers have created a new platform called Apollo. The developers call it “a security framework next generation.”

Jailbreak developer Joshua hill (P0sixninja) works in Apple

“We know the iOS operating system far and wide, for many years we have studied its features. We know the weak areas you need to pay attention, we know what parts of the code are least protected and vulnerable to attacks”, – said the hackers. Now instead of working on the jailbreak, the best minds in the jailbreak community with the same intensity of work to make OS “absolutely protected”.

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The jailbreak developer will Strapac (Chronic) works in Apple

Hackers P0sixninja Chronic and was part of the Chronic Dev team, which for several years has released exploits for jailbreaking.

In March of this year, Apple has poached the former jailbreak developer Jonathan Zdziarski. The new place he has held the position of engineer on data analysis and security. Specialist never missed an opportunity to criticize Apple for the “hole” of security in iOS. He has devoted many articles, interviews and even live broadcasts of the search for vulnerabilities in the OS.

Jailbreak developer Jonathan Zdziarski in March moved to Apple

According to Freeman, the decline in interest is partly due to a jailbreak and the iOS. With the development platform, users have less reason to resort to iPhone jailbreak, says hacker. “Once upon a time a jailbreak meant setting not available on iOS functions. Today the iOS operating system includes many of these features, and the need tikah from Cydia disappears. That’s why users are less interested in jailbreaking”, – he explained.

According to Jay Freeman, there are four main causes of “death” jailbreak:

  • Apple has improved security and perform jailbreak has become more difficult.
  • If a hacker finds a vulnerability, he can earn on its sales to $1 million
  • Most of the jailbreak developers found a high-paying job in the field of security.
  • If you can create the jailbreak, you open security vulnerability.
  • “It turns out death spiral: fewer and fewer people are interested in jailbreak and the result is less developers are creating interesting products, and the users does not remain reasons to jailbreak, said Freeman. – That is fewer people doing the jailbreak and the result is less developers are interested in it. And then you slowly die.”

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