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Samsung for the year reduced more than 5 000 employees due to falling smartphone sales

Data provided by the Korea financial Supervisory service Financial Supervisory Service (FSS), indicate that over the past year, Samsung has fired over 5,000 employees. Reductions occur because of declining sales of smartphones. As of the end of September 2015 the total number of employees of all divisions of Samsung amounted to 212 331 people, whereas […]

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The main problem of the new iPad Pro

According to the strategy of Apple, the advantages of iPad Pro is its opportunities for working with professional software and creative applications. But app developers such a concept is put in the uncomfortable position. Despite the technical features of the new tablet, it still works with mobile applications. Given the current pricing of the App […]

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In the Central Apple Store in new York is invaded with the sword, and tried to do Hara-Kiri

Visitors of the flagship Apple store on Fifth Avenue in new York witnessed an unusual incident. The store was broken into, armed with a samurai sword. On Thursday evening, the police received information that the store wielding man with a sword. He descended the glass staircase Apple Store and began shouting and waving weapons. The […]