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Roskomnadzor will be engaged in the lock app in App Store and Google Play

Roskomnadzor proposed to create a working group for the locking of apps in the App Store and Google Play, according to “Izvestia”. Content from the Internet enters the mobile application, therefore, the Department intends to obtain tools for managing this type of content. The head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov, speaking to owners and producers, invited […]

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Sberbank released an official app for the Apple Watch, and added a 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus

Sberbank has made mobile banking more convenient and more accessible. The company announced a new version of the application “Sberbank Online” for Apple devices, which supports the “smart” clock Apple Watch. Now you can see your balance and recent transactions on the card just by looking at the clock screen. Also in the new “Sberbank […]