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Case for iPhone c E-Ink screen i7 InkCase Plus: when the theory is better than practice

Despite the active development of OLED technologies and ProMotion, displays, E-Ink has its advantages. For example, the excellent visibility in the sun, low eye strain and low power consumption.

The market already has smartphones using this technology. Of course, we are talking about the Russian YotaPhone. But, what if you an iPhone user? In this case, you can buy special case with an additional E-Ink display on the rear panel.

To date, the most famous company for the production of covers for iPhone with extra display is Oaxis. The most recent of her product – i7 InkCase Plus. This case is for the iPhone 7 Plus with a 5.2 inch display that can be used to demonstrate the widgets, reading books, viewing photos, etc.

As for benefits, the case looks very good. It covers almost the entire rear panel of the iPhone 7 Plus. Oaxis has also reduced the size of the logo, which is very much evident on the iPhone 7.

Unfortunately, the disadvantages of this solution more than the benefits. First, the InkCase is quite cumbersome, which to hold the device in hand is extremely inconvenient. Sharp edges, appears to be designed to protect the screen when falling, but a rubberized material there is not too premium. Secondly, the case is very difficult to reach the mute button on the iPhone and the power button almost impossible to press – it is thin and difficult to press.

There are many less significant cons. InkCase connects to the iPhone via Bluetooth and is charged using a magnetic connector that was a very bad idea. You can sync books, photos and other content via a branded app for iOS, but it works unstable. Moreover, the E-Ink screen is not touch, which complicates the reading process, especially when you are holding the iPhone with one hand and flip through large articles using the buttons at the bottom are very tiring.

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If you like to read on the iPhone and are willing to put up with the shortcomings, to purchase cover for pre-order on Kickstarter for $99 now or $159 after the start of sales.

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