Known great Ruslan Sokolovsky fished pokemon in Ekaterinburg the temple, changed the measure of restraint. He sent under house arrest.
“The investigator filed a motion with the Verkh-Isetskiy district court to change the measure of restraint on house arrest. The court granted the petition,” reports “RIA Novosti” the message of the court. In this connection, the investigator filed the petition, is not specified. Sokolowski will be under house arrest until March 1.
21-year-old resident of Yekaterinburg was arrested in September after the publication of the video, in which he played at Church in the popular mobile games on your iPhone. In the video he talked about the fact that walking with your smartphone during the service is unlikely to result in criminal liability. Sokolovsky accused of extremism. It was decided about the detention of blogger.
In early September, the works were charged under article 148 (“violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion”) and article 282 (“inciting hatred or hostility, and humiliation of human dignity”). Sokolovsky was placed in jail for two months, but later the measure of restraint was changed to house arrest.
28 Oct Sokolowski changed the measure of restraint from house arrest to detention until 23 January 2017. The reason was that he violated the terms of house arrest — he had visitors.
19 Jan blogger became involved in another criminal case on illicit trafficking of special equipment for secret obtaining of information (part 1 of article 138 of the criminal code). The reason for the case was a pen with a video camera that was discovered in the house of a blogger during searches. Punishment under this article — till four years of imprisonment.