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Barrel Duo allows you to wear the Apple Watch and classic watch on one wrist [video]

On the market today presents a lot of variety of accessories for the Apple Watch. The range of offers of the online stores clearly demonstrates that around the news began to emerge a market: buyers of the gadget offer to purchase a charging stand, protective covers and protectors, interchangeable straps, portable battery. American startup Original Grain decided to go the other way and suggested that the owners of “smart” clock Apple… watch.

Presented on Kickstarter model called the Barrel is a stylish quartz clock handmade, complete with which there is a special adapter Duo. In the place where usually there is a clasp, the manufacturer encourages users to pin the Apple Watch, which will receive notifications from the iPhone. Thus on the outside of the wrist will be Barrel and the inside – of “Apple” gadget.

According to the developers, this venue will allow the adherents of the “classics” to take advantage of modern technology without losing the charm of traditional models. When the Apple Watch are on the inner side of the wrist, they are able to respond to the gesture to activate the screen and offer all the same features as a regular wear. It can be assumed that the gadget will find its niche in the market — some users are not yet ready to abandon the classical watches.

The collection of money for the production of Barrel is on crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. Up to this point, developers have collected over $100,000 in four times the initially planned amount. A crowdfunding campaign will continue for another 34 days.

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Enjoy watch Barrel with adapter Duo in the framework of the Kickstarter project for 169 dollars. Watch collection includes six different models.

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