Summer is usually associated not only with heat, peeling skin and mosquitoes, but more pleasant things: for example, travel. “Summer at sea” is a traditional action of many Russians even now, two years after the monetary shock. But as somewhere to go and not go broke? It is possible to abandon some of the comfortable attributes to the fall of stars in the hotel, and you can just reduce costs – for example, for air travel. This will help the app Aviaseller.
Aviaseller is an aggregator of tickets on the aircraft. The app itself does not sell tickets, the program’s goal: find the most affordable options that you will be fully satisfied. It works this way. The user drives the starting and end destinations – say, from Moscow airport (any) to Vienna. Then the date of departure-arrival, then the number of passengers can be ranked by age. If you are flying business class, can put the appropriate checkbox. Then Aviaseller launch their clever search algorithms and in ten seconds it will give you a couple hundred options to fly from Moscow to Vienna and back.
To exclude frankly unnecessary options (the 35-hour total flight for 300 thousand, for example), use filters – the system is very flexible Aviaseller. You can put restrictions on the price, the number of flights and even airlines. It’s faster just to drive the price above which you will not buy a ticket, and the number of hours in the plane that suits you, after that app will count everything.
According to the author of the program, the database Aviaseller sewn more than 700 airlines, the figure is impressive. Of other nice features, the price can be set both in rubles and in foreign currency, and to buy tickets right from your device: all-in-one.
Unlike other known competitors, Aviaseller garland no unnecessary functions – but they are not needed. In this app you will find just what you need, spending less time than reading this article. More from the program did not need to, isn’t it?
Important note: the program is completely free. The starting money you will not take any internal transaction is not provided. That quite surprisingly, there is no Intrusive advertising model, in General, the service.