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Apple won in court 500 thousand rubles, the Russian online store

Ninth arbitration court of appeal dismissed the appeal of the Russian supplier of construction equipment “Gan”, which Apple sued 500 000 rubles for violation of trademark rights. It is reported by Ria with reference to the court’s website.

The appellate court on October 13 dismissed the complaint of the company “Gan”, and Valentina Yegorova, which the lower court ordered Apple to pay 50 000 roubles.

Apple filed a lawsuit against the “gang” and Egorova in April 2016. The plaintiff demanded from them 7,5 million roubles as compensation for illegal use of its owned trademarks. According to the Apple representative, Egorova, the Manager of sites , apatoff.of the Russian Federation, ipadi.of the Russian Federation, iPads.of the Russian Federation, and OOO “gun” operator of these sites, which, according to the American manufacturer, sold counterfeit Apple products.

The representative of the “gun” in court said that his company has nothing to do with those projects, and supplies construction equipment. According to Respondent, contact information, “Gan” was listed in online stores without the knowledge of the company, which has its own website. The representative of Egorova has not recognized the claim, stating that the Respondent is not the administrator of those domain names.

In August, the court partially satisfied the claim of Apple and ordered “gang” to pay for the California giant 500 000 rubles, and Yegorov — 50 000. The court also banned the defendants to use Apple trademarks.

In the spring of 2016 Apple has filed lawsuits against several Russian companies, accusing them of illegal use of trademarks. In June, the company “Computer” (Internet shop and Ivanhoe, as well as their owner Pavel Sukhachev managed to negotiate with Apple about the settlement.

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This week the court ordered in favor of Apple 6.5 million rubles from another of the defendant — LLC “riona Plus” (online store

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