Apple advertises the fitness capabilities of the Apple Watch as one of the strengths of the brand wearable computer. And a new study published by researchers from Cleveland clinic in the journal JAMA Cardiology, has established the “smart” watches Apple the title of the most accurate fitness tracker on the market.
The study involved 50 people who were connected to the electrocardiograph, sumarisimo heart rate during rest, walking and running on the treadmill. The researchers compared data of electrocardiograph with indicators of such fitness trackers as Fitbit Charge HR, the Apple Watch, Mio Alpha, Basis Peak, and came to the conclusion that the most accurate wearable device when measuring the pulse turned out to be the smart watch Apple Watch, says Thg.
As a result of experiments it was determined that the Apple Watch showed a 90% accuracy of the reference values, and accuracy of the other fitness trackers did not exceed 80%. All test gadgets showed sufficiently high accuracy of the heart rate during rest the subject. But, by increasing physical activity the correctness of the measurements in the early fall. And experts attribute this to changes and breach of contact of the tracker with the skin, which affects its optical heart rate monitor.
Apple hasn’t yet commented on the results of the study. And experts Fitbit said that its trackers are not designed to work as a medical devices. But internal testing Fitbit show a much higher accuracy rate of 94%.