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Apple launched its own radio station Beats 1

An hour after the launch of the Apple Music service started broadcasting their own “Apple” Beats radio 1 broadcasted via the Internet to the whole world. DJs will be invited celebrities, including Elton John, Pharrell Williams and Drake.

The first song on Beats 1 was the track City musicians Spring King. The air Beats 1 will be divided into thematic blocks lasting one to two hours. Elton John, for example, will transmit Elton John’s Rocket Hour in which he will represent “an eclectic mix of old and new songs.” It will introduce to the audience the rappers Drake and Pharrell Williams, information yet, but we know that the latter will release their upcoming single exclusive for Apple Music.

The first guest interviewed on the air Beats 1, will be Eminem. He would go on the show, Zane Lowe — one of the most famous radio presenter in the UK, for ten years before that has worked on BBC Radio 1.

Radio Beats 1 earned Tuesday at 19.00 hour after the release of iOS 8.4 and OS X 10.10.4. New release of the mobile platform Apple has opened access to the Apple Music service, which for $ 169 per month gives you access to unlimited streaming audio. The first three months of service are free.

A distinctive feature of the Apple Music is Connect — the communication service for musicians and audience. The contractor can share with the listeners on the page in Connect news and upload additional materials, like videos and demos from the upcoming releases.

Schedule radio Beats 1 can be found in the official blog Applemusic.

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