Manufacturers of personal computers who did not reach the corporate segment of the market, may face the need to consolidate or terminate its existence in any other way, as rising demand from individual consumers on the PC dramatically slowed down. This is one of the most interesting conclusions of the analysts on the results of quarterly reviews of the PC sales released by analyst firms Gartner and IDC.
The two companies came to a common opinion about rose or fell delivery. IDC sees very weak growth, but Gartner is a small decline. However, both companies agree that the future driver of growth in the demand for PCs will be the update cycle of devices in corporations. Private consumers are more dependent on smartphones and tablets and allow your PC to grow old, not trying to replace them.
Here is what Gartner analyst Mikako Kitagawa: “Some consumers withdrew from the PC market. Their life from morning to evening associated with smartphones and not computers.”
As a result, the PC manufacturers already present in the corporate market, ready to battle to stay there, and those who failed to take a strong position in this segment, “will be forced to leave the PC market in the next five years,” says Kitagawa. According to her, Lenovo, HP and Dell will be competing for large corporate orders, while the ability of other market participants will be “extremely limited”.
In the first quarter Mac sales grew 4% to 4.2 million units. Apple products are popular with members of certain professions, but expensive Mac computers seem to be office workhorses.
In 2013, Apple has released a line of desktop computers Mac Pro, targeting professional users, recently, however, Apple executives acknowledged that the design of computer mistakes were made and the company is preparing a “completely rethought”. The MacBook Pro released by Apple last year, were not as well received as its previous version and the laptop version of Laptop Magazine laptop computers the Apple fell from the usual top place to fifth place.
However, according to Kitagawa, the Apple does not apply the same for all PC makers rule “sell the business or die.” The company has a huge community of loyal fans who buy the company’s products both for myself and for business purposes. The company has much more profitable business than most manufacturers of Windows-based PC. In order to effectively penetrate deeper into the corporate segment, Apple will have to sacrifice part of their profits.
According to analysts, other companies, focused on sales to private consumers, will carry much less. Exceptions will be only a highly specialized computers, for example, focused on the gaming segment. This is bad news for companies such as Acer, Asustek Computer and Samsung Electronics.
HP looks at the reports of the two analyst firms as a possible winner of this race. According to IDC, HP showed the best quarterly result than Lenovo for the first time in 2013. Gartner do not take into account the report of sale Chromebook, gives first place to Lenovo, but also noted that HP showed the strongest quarterly growth of 6.5%.
HP stands to celebrate the victory, because it appears to have come to grips with two major competitors for the only segment of the computer market that Apple still does not claim.