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Apple hasn’t solved the problem with the iPhone batteries

As you know, some iPhones have an inherent problem with spontaneous shutdown. Apple admitted that some models of this behavior are defective batteries and has launched a program to replace them, and the other is a consequence of a software failure, which will solve the update.

As the journalist writes Fortune Jeff Roberts, “the most annoying thing is that all this time Apple refuses to clarify the situation”. Although the company has launched a replacement program for certain models of the iPhone 6s, “she pretends to other models is all right”.

iPhone 6 journalist affected by this issue. In the edition of the Fortune at least five employees of Apple have a tendency to spontaneously turn on.

Apple employees, according to Roberts, offer an alternative solution: Apple can reset firmware on the device, but it will lead to complete loss of all data, including all messages. The problem with the battery needs to be solved.

In the review publication, Apple has limited formal response:

“We work hard to provide consumers with the best products, experience and technical support. We believe that this explains the fact that our products are the highest in user satisfaction among all manufacturers in China and around the world.

Every time we get the error message, we conduct a detailed analysis of the devices. We also study the diagnostic information among the users, who agreed to send the standard diagnostic data. When we find a problem, we’re working on a solution”.

Earlier it was reported that the recent iOS update 10.2 has contributed to the problem with spontaneous disabling of smartphones. Manifested only in iPhone 6s models a fault in the form of a turn off when a relatively high battery level (30% or even 50%) spread to other models.

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An additional disadvantage is the fact that to cancel the update and revert back to iOS 10.1.1 impossible. Thus under the action program of replacing batteries are subject only to the iPhone 6s is released in September-October 2015 with a specific serial number.

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