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Apple has released the GM version of tvOS for the new Apple TV

Together with El Capitan OS X 10.11.1, watchOS and iOS 2.0.1 9.1 Apple released the final build of the operating system for set-top box Apple TV. We are talking about the version in the Gold Master of the new platform tvOS.

tvOS is a brand new operating system for Apple TV, “allowing a completely new way to interact with TV”. Package tvOS SDK provides developers with tools and APIs to create incredible entertainment in the living room, they can work in the same way as when you create thousands of apps for iPhone and iPad.

Millions of developers of iOS applications can produce advanced games and programs specifically for the Apple TV and publish them in the App Store. The developers kit includes a set of Xcode tools, compilers and frameworks for software development for the Apple TV device. In addition, developers can use the Xcode IDE and the instruments for statistics and analysis.

On the eve of Apple CEO Tim cook announced that pre-order the new Apple TV will be open beginning next Monday, October 26, and the adapter will be available by the end of the week. The gadget will go on sale in versions with 32 GB memory and 64 GB and will be available in the online store, Apple’s retail stores and some authorized Resellers. A beta version of the new Xcode environment, which includes tvOS SDK available to developers since September to address

New set-top box is different from the previous model more powerful 64-bit A8 processor, support for Siri, making it easier to manage television viewing, and higher functionality. Complete with Apple TV is the handy remote with a touchpad. As noted by Apple, with Apple TV new generation and a new powerful system tvOS television will become a personal device like iPhone or iPad.

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The cost of the Apple TV 4 with 32 GB of flash memory is $149 and the model with 64 GB of memory will cost $199. Russian prices for the device has not been announced yet.

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