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Apple has released a new collection of headphones, Beats Balmain and Kylie Jenner

Sister Kim Kardashian Kylie Jenner signed a contract, becoming the face of collaboration Beats by Dre and fashion house Balmain. Submitted to web frames Jenner posing in wireless headphones that are released in two new shades.

The new collection Apple entered closed headphones Studio Wireless for $600 and more affordable in-ear Wireless Powerbeats3 $250. Both models are wireless, available in two versions colors — dirty pink and khaki. Creative Director of Balmain Olivier Roustan personally invited Jenner to advertise the collection.


On the promotional image Kylie Jenner, with headphones immersed in the world of sounds, pays no attention to the sand that pours on her head.

“No matter what happens around you when playing your favorite song. Music can change your mood, even if it is only a few minutes… I love this escape from reality, which it gives us,” she said.

Kylie Jenner entrepreneur and model. Pierre Balmain (2001 — Balmain) — fashion house, founded by French couturier Pierre Balman in Paris in 1945. Clients home was Vivien Leigh, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Katharine Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren. The current creative Director Olivier Rusten has been in office since 2011.

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