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Apple has begun actively testing iOS 9.3.1

After the release last week of iOS 9.3 Apple has started active testing of the next cumulative update, reports MacRumors. In the logs of the resource found evidence of the existence of devices with new operating system iOS 9.3.1.

According to Google Analytics, Apple is working on the next update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. “The log files confirm the onset of active testing among developers update Apple since March 21. We analyzed the server for user agents of mobile devices coming from IP addresses in Cupertino, and found that Apple employees go online using a device running iOS 9.3.1″ – indicates the edition.

In 9.3.1 it is expected to iOS fixes the previous release, in particular the work Safari. In some cases, the link in the browser leads to crash, in which the application stops responding to user actions. Attempt to unload the program from the multitasking bar and restarting the browser solves the problem. On Tuesday, Apple promised to “soon” to release a fix for the bug with hang on Safari.

Debuted on March 21 9.3 brought iOS users with compatible iPhone, iPad and iPod touch several new features, including night mode Night Shift, contributing to a more rapid falling asleep after using an iOS device before going to sleep. Also the new OS allows you to protect with password and Touch ID is a separate entry in the app “Notes”. On iPhone new sections in the Health app with information about the user’s activity, and in the news aggregator of Apple News – video support and horizontal mode.

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Apple tested iOS 9.3 among developers and users of testing program since January of this year. However, to avoid problems, the company still failed. In addition to complaints about the browser, the update was accompanied by a error with the activation devices after the reboot. As a result, the iOS firmware 9.3 was withdrawn for a few days and came in the form of an updated version for some older models.

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