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Apple grabbed 74% of the global market for smart watches

In the third quarter of 2015 the world’s supply of “smart” hours increased by 510% and reached a record 6.1 million units, while a year ago rates were in the range of only 1 million units, Dailycomm reports citing a report by Strategy Analytics. Impressive progress was made possible by the release of Apple Watch, which is popular in USA, Europe and Asia.

Apple leads the Apple Watch market with a share of 74%. The company itself does not disclose shipments of wearable devices, but analysts believe that in the past quarter they were shipped at least 4.5 million units.

Apple Watch is already sold in more than 30 countries worldwide, including the USA, South Korea and China. 25 September 2015 Apple’s Watch was launched and throughout Russia.

Noting the rapid expansion of geography of sales, analysts have drawn attention to the fact that most mobile operators don’t sell the Apple Watch. The experts considered it a failing on the part of Apple and encouraged American corporations to remedy this shortcoming to sustain growth in the future.

Far behind Apple in second place is Samsung, those shipped in July-September, about 600,000 smart hours against 700 000 a year earlier. The share of the South Korean company analysts evaluated approximately 10%, against 70% a year ago. Observers believe that due to the advertising campaign on promotion of new models Gera S2, Samsung has chances to strengthen its positions during the upcoming holiday shopping season.

Analysts also estimate that 8 out of 10 “smart” hours, which arrives on the market in the last quarter, were released by Apple and Samsung. Other vendors shipped about 1 million units or 16.4% of total, whereas a year ago on a share players of “second tier” accounted for almost one third of the total result.

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