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Apple gave employees for Christmas Beats headphones

The annual distribution of corporate gifts to Apple employees this year began unusually early – last year Christmas present subordinate Tim cook handed over only in mid-December. This year, gifts began to give out in the beginning of the month.

Earlier it was reported that some of the Apple services will be available in December in a special mode because of vacations Apple employees. Today it became known that the company presented its employees with headphones Beats by Dr. Dre.

Here as has been for several years, Apple employees get for Christmas from the company hoodies, t-shirts, backpacks, baseball caps, bags and other branded stuff with the logo of the company. In the opinion of management, these small gifts help to improve the mood of employees, to give them strength.

On the photos of the Christmas gift this year, you can see a box wired in-ear earphones urBeats solid metal housing. Choose from models in black and red. In a gift box features the slogan “Thank You 2015”.

Of course, there is such staff, that sell donated items for profit. Sell the headphones, can bring about $100 in the pocket of the employee, and his actions are completely legal, and any sanctions imposed will not be. In the Apple emphasize that everyone decides what to do with a gadget given to him.

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