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Apple earphones nearly decapitated 16-year-old biker in Australia [photo]

Australian teenager nearly decapitated EarPods during a motorcycle accident. This writes the British tabloid Dailymail.

16-year-old Bradley Willoughby went to the farm of his family and landed badly after a jump on a motorcycle and damaged his throttle. After this, his motorcycle was thrown directly into a barbed wire fence, whereby he broke his ankle and hurt his stomach. But the biggest harm was done to his neck – deep wounds left EarPods stuck in the fence.

“Bradley had his iPhone in his pocket with headphones connected. So the other end was inside his helmet at the time of the strike on the fence wire and pulled the headphones directly through his throat,” he told his mother to reporters.

“It’s hard to believe, but the copper wire inside the headphone cord was so strong, he cut the boy a part of the muscles and ligaments of the neck. He was very lucky he didn’t damage the trachea. You think it’s just headphones you can break with your hands, cut with scissors, but hardly think that they are capable of. In some situations they can be dangerous for life,” she said.

Bradley broke both the tibia – the large and small – and two large screws and a plate six inches in length, to stabilize the bone. Since the accident, the teen underwent two operations: the neck and the leg.

“Don’t wear wired earphones under a helmet on a motorcycle, it’s a little dangerous,” warned mother is Australian.

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