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Apple changed the home page on the day of memory of Martin Luther king

On the third Monday of January in the United States of America is celebrated on official holiday – the Day of Martin Luther king. American human rights activist was the leader of the movement that advocated for equality and civil rights of African Americans. Today on the main page of Apple’s website had a picture of king with his quote.

Apple urged to honor a black civil rights activist. “Devote yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. So you will do better than himself, the great nation your country and better the world in which you live,” reads the website of the company.

King first gained fame in 1955 when he led a successful protest against racial segregation of black passengers on the bus lines in Montgomery, Alabama. Subsequently, he became a Central figure of the civil rights movement in the USA in the 1950-1960-ies. His speech “I Have a dream”, which he delivered during the March on Washington in 1963, became the inspiration for millions of people.

The role of the king in nonviolent struggle for the enactment of the law, to destroy the remnants of racial discrimination, was awarded the Nobel prize in 1964. So at age 35 he became the youngest winner in the history of the Nobel peace prize. In the same year President Lyndon Johnson signed the historic civil rights act.

The world has recognized the value of the contribution of Martin Luther king in the struggle for peace. But only 15 years after his death, in 1983, the U.S. Congress recognized the constitutional importance of his legacy, declaring the third Monday of January a national holiday in honor of the birthday of Martin Luther king.

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Martin Luther king is a national holiday and a day off in the USA. All TV channels broadcast clips of speeches king 1960-ies. Of the radios heard the statements of the leaders of the movement for equal civil rights.

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