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Apple can make the Apple Watch of 3 is noticeably thinner, moving the actuator called the Taptic Engine in the watch strap

Although since the announcement of the Apple Watch Series 2 several months have passed, many are already talking about the next version of A pple accessory. It is expected that the Apple Watch Series 3 will be equipped with a large number of sensors to track not only physical activity, but the state of his health, seems to determine the level of blood sugar. Now there’s word that the new Apple might use the technology, due to which the device will be much thinner.

We are talking about a new Apple patent application titled “fastening Mechanism of the strap with tactile feedback”. The company’s engineers are planning to put the engine used to transmit tactile signals to the user’s hand, directly into the bracelet chronometer. The main goal is to reduce the thickness of the watch.

Apple Watch is equipped with a unique drive haptic effects that produces mild effects on the wrist when receiving notifications. The mechanism of linear movement was called the Taptic Engine. In the new model the engine will be located in the strap of a smartwatch, receiving control signals through the connector in the device.

Apple Watch and Apple Watch Series 2 at a thickness of 10.5 mm are comparable in this respect with most “smart” watches on the market, but Apple is known for its willingness to make their devices thinner and thinner.

It is worth noting that earlier this year it was rumored that the second generation Apple Watch will be 20-40% thinner than the original model. In fact, Apple Watch Series 2 design is not practically disabled from hours first generation.

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