Twitter has released an update to the app for streaming video Periscope. In the first release added new section called “Map” which allows you to watch live broadcasts from around the world on an in teractive world map. The service is now available in 29 languages, including Russian.
The Periscope service allows you to stream video from your smartphone in real time. In Periscope, you can enable streaming video from the iPhone camera, and also watch the online broadcast or broadcast in the recording (the latter available within 24 hours). On the main screen of the app shows the events that are going at the moment, and below is the latest recorded video.
While streaming it is possible to mark “like”. That is, each spectator tap of the screen sends the like, which will see the author of the video and all other spectators. You can also submit comments. Likes, Ticker messages will be saved in video recording.
In the first program update added a new section called “Map” which allows you to watch live broadcasts from around the world on a zoomable map. Just click the button in the section “Globally” to access the shared mind maps with marked popular points where being broadcast in real time.
Among other innovations worth noting the possibility of revising the broadcast immediately after its completion. In Periscope version 1.1. for iOS no longer need to wait until the boot file. The user may at any time, while the video is stored on the server, delete or revise it. In addition, a link to a live webcast or a video recording you can now share on Twitter.
Download Periscope is available for free by clicking on this link. A direct competitor of novelty is the application Meerkat, also specializing in the technology of streaming.