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Android 7.0 Nougat is installed on only 1.2% of supported devices, iOS 10 – 76%

Apple and Google have published statistics on the prevalence of different versions of iOS and Android. As it turned out, the current at the moment the Android platform 7.0 Nougat is a total of 1.2% of the market of devices with the Google operating system, while iOS 10 boasts a share of 76%.

In absolute terms, the share of Android 7.0 Nougat is extremely small. The leader is still Android 5.x Lollipop (32,9%), Android 6.0 Marshmallow now established by 30.7%. It is possible that a month later, the most common version will be Marshmallow.

Android 4.4 KitKat is by 21.9%, which corresponds to a decline of 0.7%. Several versions under the title 4.x Jelly Bean lost 1.2% and is now established 11.3% of Android devices. At the end of the list are Ice Cream Sandwich and Gingerbread with 1% each.

In the case of iOS, Apple puts much more active users on the current OS. At the moment iOS 10 is installed on 76% of devices compatible with it. In this sense, the “ten” were more successful than even iOS 9 and iOS 8. So, the same statistics, released in January last year, indicating that iOS 9 is set to 75% (19% were over iOS 8), and the year before iOS 8 was installed on 68% of devices (35% owned by iOS 7).

Soon Apple will release iOS 10.3 with a new file system for APFS, with the function Find my AirPods and others. These innovations likely to spur the transition to the latest version of the mobile OS.

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