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Amazon creates smart glasses integration Alexa

According to the publication Financial Times, Amazon is working to create “smart” points that support virtual assistant Alexa.

The device will look like ordinary glasses, but can communicate with Alexa. Also glasses will be embedded with special audio system with which the user will hear the voice of the virtual assistant without having to use headphones.

According to the Financial Times, on integrating the Alexa into a new product works the Creator of Google Glass Babak Parviz (Babak Parviz), who moved to the Amazon in 2014.

The publication also notes that Amazon while working on an improved camera security smart home and next generation columns Echo. All new products of the company can be submitted before the end of this year.

Earlier it was reported that Amazon is developing the next generation of smart speakers Echo, relying on sound improvement, and plans to release it in December this year. Just as Apple is expected to unveil its column HomePod, which will make the second generation of Amazon Echo is a direct competitor of a novelty.

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