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AirPods headphones made the list of the best inventions of the year

Time magazine has published an annual ranking of the best inventions. This year in the list there got AirPods “smart” headphones provided by Apple in September of this year. According to the newspaper, the smart invention of “Apple” the brand perfectly complements the iPhone 7, which are deprived of the standard 3.5 mm audio Jack for connecting headphones.

Authoritative magazine Time has compiled the top 25 inventions of this year, which got AirPods wireless headphones. According to the authors of the publication, the Apple offer is the best headset last twelve months. The title of the device deserve in the first place for ample opportunities and ease of connection.

Despite very compact size, AirPods combine a set of complex components and technologies. Thanks to recognizable anatomical form, they stick in the ear. The battery life is 5 hours, which in itself is high. But included is a small wireless case with an extra battery, which eliminates the need of mains supply up to 25 hours. Just put headphones discharged for 15 minutes per case to 3 hours listening to music.

Setting AirPods is made as simple as possible: simply open the case close to Apple and will appear on the screen button to connect. It is noteworthy that the headphones are connected simultaneously with all the user’s devices from Apple, and switching between iPhone and Apple Watch is made intellectually, so the sound ultimately comes from the active device. For use AirPods on Mac and iPad requires manual selection.

In each earphone there are a couple of microphones, directed along and perpendicular to the face, one of which is responsible for noise reduction. There is also an infrared sensor that informs about use of headphones to control their work. Just remove the AirPods and playback will stop.

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Due to the presence of dual accelerometer monitor headphones, even a slight movement. For example, the sensors recognize when a user begins to speak, and turn on the microphone and double tap to activate the assistant Siri.

Finally, for sound processing, sensors, stable wireless connection and power management answers built into each earphone new special microprocessor Apple W1.

Full independence of headphones allows you to use one of them as a headset and a couple for the same purpose or listening to music. They work as a single device.

AirPods will be on sale until the end of the year. In the US the cost will be $160, in Russia is more expensive, 13 000.

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