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According to Apple, the unlocked iPhone users on average 80 times a day

Apple experts have calculated how often iPhone owners – mobile phones with touch screen – unlocks your device. According to the study, the average user per day removes the lock from your smartphone about 80 times.

According to statistics from Apple, 89% of iPhone and iPad owners use to protect their device password or the fingerprint scanner Touch ID, which allows to save time needed to enter the secret combination of characters.

According to statistics, the greatest activity when using mobile devices is observed in the time between 17.00 and 20.00. At this time, users turn to smartphones, on average, 9 times per hour. Most iPhone owners don’t even suspect that they so often turn to smart phones only for the reason that don’t keep records of these appeals, experts say.

Usage statistics iPhone was announced during a conference on the security measures that Apple takes to protect the information of its clients. The company noted that the introduction of the fingerprint scanner was an important milestone in improving the security of user data. Before the advent of Touch ID users to use protection on their devices only in 49% of cases, and now do 9 out of 10 owners of iOS-devices.

Usage statistics iPhone is based on processing data from several million owners of mobile devices Apple. Previous research company Locket showed that users unlock with smartphones on average 110 times a day, so the Apple stats doesn’t seem too incredible.

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