Release of the popular strategy of Total War: Warhammer for Mac will be held on April 18. This was stated by the developers of the Studio Feral Interactive, which is responsible for porting the project to Apple platform.
Windows version Total War: Warhammer debuted on may 24, 2016, November 22, the release on Linux. David Stephen, managing Director of Feral Interactive, said that the Studio put a lot of effort to release Total War: Warhammer on the Mac. Version of the game with massive battles of orcs, Imperials, dwarves, vampires, and other sworn friends uses the new graphics API from Apple, Metal.
“We know that players have huge requirements for the Mac version, and we’re excited to finally release this great game in all its bewitching glory,” said he.
The game itself takes place in two modes. The first one is free, the campaign full-scale war, the gathering of armies, development of infrastructure of cities and the state as a whole. It also includes two types of campaigns — quick and long, which are distinguished mainly by the victory conditions, and duration.
The game also has a battle mode that involves only the battle, where the player participates in the Chapter allotted to him the army.
In early April, SEGA announced a second game of the trilogy, Total War: Warhammer. Development still deals with the Studio Creative Assembly responsible for the entire Total War series. Release Total War: Warhammer II will be on PC before the end of this year.