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A former top Manager of Google Hugo Barra is leaving for Xiaomi, after four years of work

Vice-President Xiaomi Hugo Barra has announced plans to withdraw from the Chinese company, which he worked for the past four years. About this he wrote on his page in Facebook.

Former Vice President of product management at Android, Hugo Barra worked at Google from 2008 to 2013. In the summer of 2013 he moved to work in the Chinese Xiaomi. Since Barra was the face of the “Chinese Apple” in the international market and was responsible for some of the questions on the activities of the company. After almost four years he decided to return to Silicon valley to be near his family and to take part in the new endeavor.

According to Barra, from Xiaomi due to personal reasons. In particular, he complained of his health, which was no better during his work in China. In addition, American had to radically change the social circle, refusing frequent contacts with friends. In addition, his family will be more comfortable at home.

Co-founder and President of Xiaomi lei Jun has thanked former top-Manager of Google for their work, but also announced his successor, Xiang Wang, who currently holds the post of senior Vice-President of the company.

The contribution of Hugo Barra Xiaomi in development is difficult to overestimate. In fact, he was the public face of the brand, and he took no official action of the company. According to Barra, the head of the company gave him great support during the handover, and asked indefinitely to occupy a position of Advisor to Xiaomi.

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Hugo Barra not yet konkretisiert what is meant by “new projects in Silicon valley”, but noted that his departure from Xiaomi will take place in February.

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