
iPhone 11 – Apple's Most Popular Smartphone

When Apple introduced along with the flagship iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max and the younger brother iPhone XS, many were quite skeptical towards him, remembering the story with the iPhone 5c. However, contrary to forecasts, the iPhone XR has become perhaps Apple's best-selling smartphone. And it looks like the iPhone 11 has followed in his footsteps.

iPhone 11 - Apple's Most Popular Smartphone

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iPhone 11, like its predecessor, bypassed the sales of its counterparts. This was stated by analysts at the research firm Consumer Intelligence Research Partners. According to them, the share of iPhone 11 accounted for 39% of sales of Apple smartphones in the US in the fourth quarter of 2019. The second most popular analysts called the iPhone XS, released in 2018. And the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max took third and fourth place, respectively.

Not surprisingly, the iPhone 11 turned out to be more popular than the Pro version, given that it has almost the same features, but costs less. According to rumors, in the near future Apple will release the second-generation iPhone SE and it will be interesting to see if it can compete with the iPhone 11.

Chief editor of the blogErika J. Wells .

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