
New MacBook Pro keyboard can be repaired at home

Good news for fans of apple laptops. IFixit experts familiarized themselves with the 16-inch MacBook Pro. This model, recall, Apple introduced the other day.

New MacBook Pro keyboard can be repaired at homeImage – iFixit

The iFixit scammers took apart the computer. However, not all – just the keyboard. Specialists wanted to make sure its maintainability. It was she who broke past MacBook Pros.

The butterfly mechanism, which makes the case thinner, is to blame. Alas, I had to pay with reliability for what was said. Crumbs and dust quickly put the MacBook Pro out of action.

For many, the keys stuck immediately after purchase. As a result, Apple faced dozens of lawsuits from angry users. The company was accused of deliberately introducing such a flaw.

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Fortunately, Apple thought better of it. The 16-inch MacBook Pro has no such problem. An autopsy performed by iFixit revealed a scissor mechanism.

This was used until 2015 without complaints. Apple has only slightly improved the design. Now the repair does not require a visit to the SC. The buttons are detached and cleaned at home.

Another interesting point. The keyboard in the updated MacBook Pro is called Magic Keyboard. It is very similar to the wireless Apple Magic Keyboard.

New MacBook Pro keyboard can be repaired at homeImage – iFixit

They have almost the same key caps. They are interchangeable (with nuances in the form of different thicknesses). Apple Magic Keyboard can become a "donor" for the 16-inch MacBook Pro.

Unfortunately, the innovation is not available to everyone. In Russia, for an improved MacBook Pro they ask from 199,990 rubles. Moreover, in the basic configuration.

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Want to save? Have to be patient. In the cheaper MacBook, “scissors” will return in 2020. Previously, to evaluate the full charm of Magic Keyboard will not work.

Chief editor of the blogErika J. Wells .

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