The next major update Android has caused not only a joy for some, but the indignation of many. And not because people don’t want something new: just the shortcomings of the Google platform exceeded dignity.
Easy to criticize something. And even easier to blame something that really deserves it. And fifth Android proud and contemptuous nickname of “my” is now even with honor, according to Cnews.
1. “Ping” and fast discharge
The voracity of the mobile platform Google is already legendary. And in fact, become more powerful smartphones, the gluttonous each new version of Android. And why? Because of the improvements and the “prettiness” for some reason the developers can’t fix the main problem: Android: mindless eating up memory, inability to unload unused and unwanted apps, and slow down overall as a result.
Remember: because sometime even half a Gigabyte of RAM was enough today trending 3 GB, and we’re not even talking about fancy games — 3 GB “frame” is considered a good tone, because “she wants the OS”. But not much does she want?
“Five” puts a 2 GB RAM as minimum standards. This is evident already from the fact that on devices with 1-1. 5 GB start godless lags and brakes. To work, that is, it is impossible at all. And with KitKat (4.4) has not been all smooth sailing, but at least you could quite safely go about their business.
Hence the conclusion: if you have a device older than two years and offers you to install Android 5.x — politely send him to hell with such requests. Although this would be problematic — for example, the tablet Nexus 2013 author year already reflects an unsuccessful attack, “five”, because, putting it and after talking with her for a while, the author was horrified, visited my mother and tore down all the way.
Actually, this disadvantage has long promised to be fixed in 5.1.1 Android. However, it promised before, we promise you these past years, and by the way, 5.1.1 was going to roll out in the spring… and where is it?
Not to mention the rapid discharge of the battery that can also be attributed to the “voracity”.
2. Confusing interface
No one will argue with the assertion that the interface should be convenient and user-friendly. So, for example, Apple is changing its interface slightly from version to version (and we’re talking, how about the “adult” Mac and iPhone). Microsoft also tried to move away from the beloved “start” button and the desktop — but it was invented 20 years ago, now still and being rejected, returned under the burden of dissatisfaction of users. And even when Microsoft tried to impose all the “tiled” interface, the Network immediately multiplied program that returns the old start button. Microsoft thought a little humbled himself, pretended that restored the start button in Windows 8.1, but in fact it was a “Potemkin village”, and programs like Classic Shell still held in high esteem, because they return the old interface. Because it is convenient!
This cannot be said about Android. From version to version (if we take C major — 2, 3, 4, 5) the developers tried to improve the standard interface, although in fact it is little needed, as the “key producers” were developing their own shell to their smartphones (e.g., Samsung or LG). But Google did not let up. And if to the interface of the Quartet all have become accustomed, and although at first I blamed the lack of buttons (Yes and still very many manufacturers of gadgets left touch button on the case, paying no attention to the carrots Google), in the five new stupid even more. Yes, and “whitish and blue” the new interface is not to say that users came to taste. Well, the mess in the notification list is just awful.
3. You got it all wrong!
But all around the world love to simplify everything. But I think they usually only. Many argue, of course, that care about users, but the result is nonsense. And Lollipop has simplified very much, that you just list with the sign “minus”.
There are too a lot of space on large screens because the dashboard was shot down in a heap, spoiling a convenient separate mini-panel at the top of the screen. Information about battery charging simplified so that it is deleted: shown only the charge that is left. “Gallery” was replaced by a simplified “Picture”, focusing on the work in the Internet. If no Internet — you will encounter randomly pictures are not organized by album. Solved, by the way, forced the replacement of the old “Gallery” through a third-party APK.
What else? The message in the upper tray was replaced by icons: go and guess what they wanted. No more easy points to the functionality of the lock button. In version 5.0 is gone and the “quiet” mode, which returned 5.1 (decided to Google, it is likely that the mute users to anything). The notification panel was combined with the settings: in the Quartet they functioned separately, and it was very comfortable. By the way, in 5.1 it regained: in particular, we’ve added the ability to connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth without switching to basic settings. Something.
Well, just aesthetically: three new buttons at the bottom of the screen has turned in three simple geometric shapes. Minimalist, Yes, but not immediately immediately understand — what is that supposed to mean. Well, with the triangle back and circle “home” (a reference to the round button in the iPhone?) more or less clear. But how to guess what should happen after clicking on the square?
By the way, appeared in 5.1 finally support smartphone with two SIM-cards. In 5.0 was not. 4.x — was. Why was it necessary to do so — the question is rhetorical.
In General, the five is replete with a whole ocean of small inconveniences that Google developers claim that it is, by contrast, is extremely convenient. Probably comfortable for their developers Android. To get used, of course, as to the facilities, and to the inconvenience. But is it necessary?
Moreover, if you walk around on forums and read the angry responses from users, it becomes quite sad. “Some huge icons, color themes just kill, primitive lower function buttons for kids!”, “Before, turning off mobile data and Wi-Fi, the phone worked not less than two days, now less than a day, runs out of power!”, “Change set calls contacts standard: to call must make a number of manipulations and all this very slowly”, “I used to Have on the screen the last five calls, and I could at once, by pressing a single button, dial — now I can’t”, “Design is terrible. The alarm clock in the form of round hours, it’s really inconvenient!”. Spelling retained copyright, except in very egregious cases.
And these reviews for thousands.
4. Incompatibility with applications
If you have installed a lot of third-party applications, not the fact that the new OS they will work correctly. Because that’s how it usually happens? Rolled out a new major version of the operating system, which is sometimes associated with applications. Not all, but some, and those some will be very important to you.
And though it’s been six months since the release of the five, this problem is still relevant. Because Android apps are hundreds and hundreds of thousands, need some of them even abandoned (but vital!), therefore, the transition to the new OS could end very badly, even if you have a gadget, which leaks memory quite uneasy.
So before you rush to install Lollipop, it should go through all the vital applications and find out when they were updated and written in the log update something like “support for Android 5 Lollipop”. Mainly application incompatibility is associated with the new ART runtime, and developers really need to move my hands and something to do.
The question is what to do with the right apps which are not updated for many years, and which withstood even the Ice Cream Sandwich and followers, remains open and sad.
5. and Lollipop’s just not needed?
On the one hand, the philosophical question, with another — it is obvious, if you ask him: why, in principle, need became so uncomfortable operating system? If those facilities are used to people over the last five years, replaced by something new and uncomfortable, and for six months after release, and facilities has not increased… Why do it?
What can be said about the previous, fourth version, which was much more successful. Strange function key to successfully replace the touch analogs (and still, I must say), inconvenience in 4.x was at times less, and the design was quite strict and convenient compared to “the deuce” — Yes, too unusual, but acceptable. And all have become accustomed.
This cannot be said about Lollipop. If after six months after the release of the angry shouts of rage, and only become louder is a failure on all fronts (the above reviews were dated March-April). And fronts becomes greater, as more and more manufacturers are releasing mandatory updates for their smartphones and tablets, integrating as the basis of Android Lollipop (well, except that, in addition to the new Lenovo P90).
But remember: you can always refuse to update to this version, will wait for more stable release. If he ever will be.
Because if 5.1.1 and will be released, correcting the Main Drawback of the Android OS — it will be a really serious reason to install the update even on devices older than two years.