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5 changes in the updated YouTube app for iPhone and iPad

In a recent update to the YouTube app for iOS has been improved playback support for video shot in portrait orientation. The innovation eliminates the need to turn the device 90 degrees. Now, when you switch to full screen view mode, the program automatically expands the video to full screen, smartphone or tablet. The device can continue to hold horizontally.

Soon Google is going to release new completely redesigned version of YouTube for iPhone and iPad. It will implement five major changes, which we describe below.

1. The interface Material Design

Google is gradually bringing all your apps to uniformity in accordance with “material” design, which was introduced last year along with the Android 5.0 Lollipop. One recent and notable iOS apps, which will be redesigned in the new style, the client is YouTube.

From what we know, the UI of YouTube will be performed by all standards of visual Material Design. The eye catches the bright red toolbar with the menu button and four tabs at the bottom. When clicking on the menu will be redesigned to open up the unit, updated in accordance with “material” design and received the white background. The interface will become more “flat”, with the use of brand elements and animations.

2. The Home Tab

In addition to the design concept Google will change the structure of the mobile YouTube app for iOS. There will be only three main tabs: Home, Subscriptions and Account. The first will be collected playlists and recommendations, will be simplified search new video. Section “Recommended” will be formed automatically, based on user browsing history.

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3. The Subscriptions Tab

On the tab “Subscriptions” will be collected videos from all channels subscribed to by the user. It displays channel names, a description of rollers, the number of views. The rollers can be added to the list for time-shifted viewing, put in your playlist or share. To track updates will be easier: clicking on the icon with a call, you can receive an alert immediately after the publication of a new roller.

4. Tab Account

Tab in the Account will be collected everything else, including all of the user uploaded video, it is a personal siderolite, browsing history. Shows playlists with the number of videos added to favorites, Favourite, Watch later, etc.

5. Updated editor

Gift for all iPhone and iPad users will be upgraded tools to create high quality video content. Appears, for example, the ability to trim footage and apply filters.

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